CJ_TrainingDoc_Template_Selling Skills final

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Wha t you wi l l l ea r n i n t h i s modu l e :

Wha t s e l l i ng i s a l l abou t ?

 Unde r s t and t he env i r onmen t t ha t y ou s e l l i n .  How t o l ook f o r s a l e s oppo r t un i t i e s ?  How t o p r e s e n t t he p r oduc t s t o t he pa s s e nge r s ?  Wha t a r e t he s t ep s i n t he s a l e s p r oc e s s ?  How t o hand l e d i f f i c u l t s i t ua t i on s ?


In this module we are going to explore all

these elements and look at ways in which



we can use the information and skills to

Selling and buying has been around for as

increase our In-flight sales.

long as mankind exists. Products or services

"Everyone lives by selling something." R R O O B B E E R R T T L L O O U U I I S S STEVENSON

were offered to meet a need identified.

The module will be broken up into 9 sub-

Selling has gone from travelling sales

modules for ease of dealing with the

people to know on doors to influencing

content. The sub-modules are:

people to where we are today.

6.1. The Context – the environment that

we sell in.

Today it is all about emotional intelligence,

understanding and respecting your

6.2. The Passengers – what we need to

customers/passengers and building a

know about them.

relationship with them. We are all tired of

the different gimmicks and tricks that

6.3. Ourselves – what we must know and

companies use to get us to buy their

be able to do.


6.4. The Sales Steps – An overview.

Ultimately we will buy something if we have

a need for it, if we have rapport with the

6.5. Sales Awareness – looking for sales

person selling it, if we feel that the person


has our best interest at heart and if the

product meets our needs.


6.6. Questioning – Establish and confirm the


6.7. Product Knowledge – how we use it in


6.8. The Close – concluding the deal.

6.9. Dealing with the Difficult Stuff.

specific environment with certain benefits and

At the end of all these sub-modules you will

barriers. In your case the aircraft is the

know exactly how to successfully perform In-


flight sales.

Potential buyer – any sales situation has a

Let’s start off by defining what selling is.

potential buyer. In your case it is the




Sales person – this is the contact between the

potential buyer and the product. This is you,

Selling is about creating additional

the crew member.

opportunities for and delivering an additional

service to your passenger. It is a natural

Products – these are the items that the

extension of the services that you already offer.

potential buyer is interested in. These are the

It is a win-win situation.

items in your duty-free trolley and catalogue.

You've got to enjoy what you are doing. Otherwise your passengers won't have fun buying from you .

We make the incorrect assumption that

In dealing with sales techniques we need to

passengers do not want to buy. Sales success

spend time on each of the above elements.

starts by changing the assumption to…they

We will be dealing with each of these in a sub-

want to buy and I need to assist them to select


the right product.

Selling is best explained by the following




Sales environment – any sales happen within a


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Do you have any queries?

Contact us

Deveni Pillay


Tessa Roux


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