Ethiopian Airlines Catalogue April 2021

MOYEE Ground Coffee

Moyee is the world’s first FairChain company offering organic, supreme-quality coffee. Providing the world’s finest specialty coffee, Moyee is as equitable as it’s delicious, delivering fair value to all. This is a fresh, slow-roasted blend from the birthplace of coffee – Ethiopia. 100% Arabica beans. Enjoy the “Moyee Reserve”, our premium, specialty coffee. Medium roast and filter grind. 250 g

us$10 | OT098

I NSTEAD OF EXPORTING GREEN BEANS, Moyee does it all back home in Ethiopia, picking only the best berries from the best trees (all by hand) before burning the beans. By slow-roasting the beans locally, there’s 300% more money in the pot, keeping it all in the family and eliminating intermediaries. This shift has improved the lives of millions of people in a radical and positive way.

You win too!

Thank you for supporting our local coffee chain – you’re helping Moyee do great things.



Please note: It is illegal to sell liquor or tobacco products to persons under the age of 18. Smoking seriously harms you and others around you. toBaCCo PRoDUCts aVaIlaBle on BoaRD CC070 MARLBORO Gold 400’s us$34 CC043 MARLBORO Gold 200’s us$18 CC104 MARLBORO Red 200’s us$18


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