Once you have selected the sales service, the product group menu will be displayed. From here all sales related options are initiated.
Help Wizard to provide further information to enable the user to move on from a particular option.
(if option available) A “Drop Down” menu providing technical options. Accessible in all screens see page 13 for more information.
Select group heading to display items for sale in each group.
Next enables the user to view more Product Groups.
Takes the user to the payment screen to transact the sale. “Pop Up” menu with other options. Accessible in all screens see page 14 for more information.
Return to Main Menu or previous screen.
Note : Subsequent to the production of this manual, a new feature has been activated – HELP – which is displayed on the screen above for familiarisation, but will not appear on any other screen reproduced in this document.
Bar Computer User manual
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